Soon this year will finish, and it becomes the New Year! In the New Year, people decollate shime-kazari, kagami-mochi and kado-matsu, but in Toyama people decollate other things in addition to these. It is “Tenjin-sama.” Tenjinsama is the name of Sugawara-no-michizane . He is a famous historical person. He is also famous for a god of study.
In Toyama, in the New Year people decollate his wooden doll and his hanging scroll. Surprisingly, there is this custom in only Toyama(and a few area in Fukui.)
We call this doll and this hanging scroll “Tenjin-sama.” Tenjin-sama generally is given for the eldest son by grandparents of the mother’s side. So, for example, there are three “Tenjin-sama”s in my house. These are my brother’s, my father’s and my grandfather’s.
We call this doll and this hanging scroll “Tenjin-sama.” Tenjin-sama generally is given for the eldest son by grandparents of the mother’s side. So, for example, there are three “Tenjin-sama”s in my house. These are my brother’s, my father’s and my grandfather’s.
I will talk about situation at next my article! See you again.